Environmental Division

Current base logo for MCLB Barstow
Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow
Marine Corps Installations West

Marine Corps Logistics Base (MCLB) Barstow is committed to environmental and sustainable responsibility by promoting sustainable practices, reducing the impact of our operations on the natural environment, and enhancing the quality of life of our residents and employees.


To enable operational readiness through the implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Natural and Cultural Resources programs, Environmental Management System (EMS), and liasing with Federal, State and local government agencies and services in order to support Marine Corps and other government agencies.


  • Teamwork
  • Responsiveness
  • Continuous Improvement


To work together as a team, to respect opinions and views of others. Be reliable & accountable for our own team participation. Work together on assigned task & challenges, accepting each member's thoughts. As a team we will work together assigning & taking on team tasks fulfilling our team position requirements. As a team we will work together to stay in touch, keeping the communication lines open offering support & help to all members should they not be able to partake in a discussion. As a team we will identify, create a plan of action utilizing everyone's knowledge, soliciting input from all. Being responsible and acknowledging each personal thought and efforts put in by each member. Be successful as a team & as individuals.



While carrying out the mission of MCLB Barstow, the Natural and Cultural Resources Program provides stewardship for the plant and animal species that inhabit the base, as well as the pre-historic, historic, and culturally significant resources that are noted in this area.  The Marine Corps commitment is made with respect to federal laws, such as the Endangered Species Act and the National Historic Preservation Act, and other applicable regulations.

Handbook for Preparing, Revising and Implementing Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans on Marine Corps Installations, May 2004

      Federal Laws and Applicable Regulations            (also see Chapter 6 - Integrated Natural Resources Mgmt. Plan)

           Endangered Species Act

MCLB Barstow provides habitat that supports ten (10) federally listed threatened and endangered species (2 birds, 2 invertebrates (fairy shrimp), and 6 plants).  These species are widely distributed throughout the base.  As a result, conservation and compliance with the Endangered Species Act is a primary focus the MCLB Barstow natural resource management program.  Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act requires that we consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding any action that “may affect” a threatened or endangered species.



Clean Water Act

Section 404, Clean Water Act, requirements for permitting actions that would place dredge or fill material into “waters of the United States”, including wetlands, are of principle natural resources management concern on MCLB Barstow.  MCLB Barstow strives to avoid impacts to “waters of the U.S.”.  Avoiding impacts to “waters of the U.S.” conserves our resources and avoids the need for lengthy and time-consuming permit processing that delays mission accomplishment.
          The Section 404 regulatory program is administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACoE), Civil Works, Regulatory section with oversight by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 


Operating Procedures
  • Wildlife Problems and Complaints
  • Endangered Species Act, Section 7 Consultation: – The Natural Resources Division staff for the Environmental Management Department processes these consultations on behalf of MCLB Barstow. Action proponents are responsible for ensuring the preparation of documentation needed to support Endangered Species Act consultation. Documentation requirements are described in the Endangered Species Act links above.
  • Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permitting: The Environmental Management Department processes Clean Water Act permitting applications on behalf of MCLB Barstow. The Natural Resources Division staff assists with Section 404 permitting, and the Environmental Engineering Division staff assists with associated Section 401 Water Quality Certifications. Action proponents are responsible for ensuring the preparation of documentation and/or permit applications needed. The Clean Water Act links above provide information regarding the permitting process and requirements.
  • Endangered Species Act Consultations (Contact NRD)
  • Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permits (Contact NRD)

Program Manager
Natural and Cultural Resources

(760) 577-6111

An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a systematic approach to ensuring that environmental activities of an organization are well managed and continuously improving. For example, an EMS can help an organization better meet its compliance requirements. It can also help an organization use materials & resources more efficiently & streamline operations, thereby minimizing the impacts of missions and ensuring sustainability of missions.


  • Demonstrates commitment to environmental protection
  • Aligns environmental management activities with mission priorities
  • Reduces mission risk and cost associated with environmental compliance
  • Improves communication
  • Emphasizes prevention rather than correction
The Sustainability and Environmental Policy is a document signed by the MCLB Barstow Commanding Officer (CO) that states MCLB Barstow’s commitment to environmental excellence and sensible use of resources.

Essentially, the Sustainability and Environmental Policy says we shall:

  • Commit to Environmental Compliance and Protection
  • Prevent Pollution
  • Use Environmentally Friendly Products
  • Reduce Energy, Fuel, and Water Consumption
  • Protect Natural and Cultural Resources
  • Continuous Improvement

Success Depends on Everyone
A successful EMS requires everyone’s participation. With our involvement we can improve environmental performance and enhance the MCLB Barstow mission, ensuring resources are available well into the future.

Environmental Management is Everyone’s Responsibility
All MCLB Barstow personnel must:

  • Learn about any possible environmental impacts that may be related to our duties.
  • By improving our job performance, our impacts on the environment can be minimized.
  • Know our roles and responsibilities, including our role in emergency preparedness and response.
  • Understand that there are possible consequences of not following procedures; consequences that can cause environmental problems for us and/or our community.
  • What can I do to minimize my impacts to the environment?

Significant Aspects Aboard MCLB Barstow
  • Hazardous Waste Generation
  • Hazardous Materials Use
  • Air Emissions

Significant Practices Aboard MCLB Barstow

  • Hazardous Waste Satellite Accumulation Area  
  • Painting Operations
  • Fuel Management/Storage Tanks  
MCLB Barstow Environmental Objectives
  • Reduce risk of environmental regulatory noncompliance
  • Reduce energy intensity/use
  • Reduce water consumption
  • Maintain solid waste diversion rate



The EMS helps organizations integrate environmental goals into day-to-day operations. It helps identify the environmental aspects of the mission, highlight areas of risk, promote pollution prevention, and track progress toward environmental goals. The EMS is designed to improve environmental and mission performance while reducing environmental risk and costs.


Phone: (760) 577-5846.

To establish instructions for operational control, documentation record keeping, internal communication, emergency preparedness and response, inspection and corrective action, and training and awareness applicable to MCLB Barstow's practices.



The following list of ESOP's is required for organizations that could potentially employ the practice, to maintain at the workplace and periodically review them for accuracy and applicability. Organizations are required to train appropriate individuals as to the contents of each applicable ESOP.

MCLB Barstow Practice List       

ESOP on File 


HW satellite accumulation area Hazardous Waste Process Generation Point (PGP-ESOP) Any activity involving HW accumulation areas at/or near the point of generation.
HW storage (< 90 day site) Hazardous Waste Storage Less Than 90 Day Site (HWS-ESOP) Any activity involving HW being stored/accumulated at an authorized designated area.
Storage tank management AST and UST Management (AST and UST-ESOP) Any activity involving the storage of HM/HW and proper management requirements for storage tanks.
Painting Paint Applications (PAA-ESOP) Any activity involving painting using aerosol cans, brush/roller, and paint guns.
The following ESOP's are NOT mandatory, but may be used for training of practice owners to understand environmental responsibilities of their job practice

 Practice List       

ESOP on File 


Acid cleaning Acid Cleaning (Chemical Process Tanks) (ACL-ESOP) Any activity involving cleaning of equipment or parts using an acidic solution.
Battery management Battery Management (BM-ESOP) Any activity involving recharging, replacing, collection and disposal of batteries. 
Boiler operation Boiler operation Any activity involving building maintenance and repairs.
Chlorination Swimming Pool O and M (SPO-ESOP) Any activity involving application of chlorine to water or wastewater.
Construction/renovation/demolition Construction Renovation Demolition (CDN-ESOP) Any activity involving construction/renovation/demolition.
Degreasing Degreasing (DEG-ESOP) Any activity involving aerosol, water or solvent products to clean parts and equipment.
Drinking water management Drinking Water Management (DWM-ESOP) Any activity involving water is safe to drink.
Field mess Field Mess (MRE Heaters Use Disposal) (FM-ESOP) Any activity involving the feeding of troops in the field or training area.
Fire department training Fire Training Facility (FTF-ESOP) Any activity involving training on responding to large spills aboard the installation.
Grease traps Grease Traps (GRT-ESOP) Any activity involving the operation and maintenance of a device that minimizes grease, oils, fat, wax, and other debris from entering the sanitary sewer system, storm drains, and associated with food establishments.
HM storage Hazardous Material Storage (HMS-ESOP) Any activity involving an area specifically designated to store hazardous material
HM transportation Hazardous Material Transportation (HMT-ESOP) Any activity involving the transport of HM on base or to an designated training area.
HW transportation Hazardous Waste Transportation (HWT-ESOP) Any activity involving the transport of HW on base or to an authorized designated accumulation site.
ODS/Halon Management ODS/Halon Management (HAS-ESOP) Any activity involving the use or disposal of ODS/Halon.
Paint booth Paint Booth (Dry Filter) (PBD-ESOP) Any activity involving a structure specifically designed to optimize painting procedures.
Paint gun cleaning Paint Gun Cleaning (PGC-ESOP) Any activity involving the cleaning of paint guns.
Paint removal Paint Removal (Dry Abrasive Blasting) (PRD-ESOP) Any activity involving infrastructure paint removal using chemicals, dry and wet abrasive blasting.
Painting preparation Paint Preparation (PPR-ESOP) Any activity involving the process for painting.
Parts replacement Parts Replacement (Vehicle Equipment) (PRV-ESOP) Any activity involving parts replacement for equipment or vehicles.
Polishing Polishing Operations (POL-ESOP) Any activity involving a mechanical, chemical, or electrolytic process or combination thereof used to prepare a smooth, reflective surface prior grinding.
Pumping station/force main Pumping Station Force Main (PSF-ESOP) Any activity involving sewer pump (lift) station/force main operations including screener/comminutor.
Radioactive material storage Radioactive Material Storage (RMS-ESOP) Any activity involving the use of radioactive material (new and used) storage such as storage of smoke detectors, exit signs, and compasses.
Recreational facilities operations Recreation Facilities - MCCS Any activity involving the theater, bowling, pool, golf course, main exchange/PX, etc.
Sewers Sewers (SEW-ESOP) Any activity involving stormwater sewer systems.
Soil excavation/grading Soil Excavation Grading (SEG-ESOP) Any activity the means of disturbing, digging, removing or moving soil.
Solid waste collection/transportation Solid Waste Collection and Transportation (SWC-ESOP) Any activity involving solid waste collection such as waste dumpsters and solid waste collection by authorized vehicle.
Stormwater collection/conveyance system Storm Water Collection Conveyance System (STC-ESOP) Any activity involving those natural and manmade channels, swales, ditches, rivers, streams, creeks, branches, reservoirs, ponds, drainage ways, inlets, catch basins, pipes, headwalls, storm sewers, lakes and other physical works, properties and improvements which transfer, control, convey, detain, retain, treat or otherwise influence the movement of stormwater runoff.
Swimming pool operation and maintenance Swimming Pool O and M (SPO-ESOP) Any activity involving the operations and maintenance of swimming pools by trained personnel.
Vehicle maintenance Vehicle Equipment Change (VM-ESOP Any activity involving vehicle maintenance such as fluid change and parts replacement.
Vehicle parking Vehicle Parking (VEP-ESOP) Any activity involving parking of vehicles on hard surfaces and off-road.
Wash rack Wash Rack (Vehicle) (WRV-ESOP) Any activity that involves using and operating of wash racks.
Wastewater treatment Wastewater Treatment (WWT-ESOP) Any activity involving physical/chemical treatment of wastewater including biological treatment and treatment of wastewater by separating organic solids from wastewater.
Weapons cleaning Weapons Cleaning (WEC-ESOP) Any activity using patches, q-tips, brushes, and CLP.
Woodworking Woodworking (WWK-ESOP) Any activity involving building, making or carving something using wood by trained personnel.

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is the basic national charter for the protection of the environment and requires Federal decision-makers, at all levels, to consider the environmental consequences of a proposed action in the decision-making process before deciding to take an action.  NEPA is a procedural law that requires full public disclosure of environmental impacts, alternatives, and mitigation measures expected from proposed actions.  Actions subject to NEPA include all new and some continuing or recurring activities, including projects, exercises and/or approved programs entirely or partly funded, assisted, conducted or regulated by a federal agency.  Typical actions may include implementation or approval of specific projects, such as construction or management activities located aboard MCLB Barstow (i.e., MILCON projects, public/private venture projects, special projects, and land acquisition) as well as training events and routine maintenance.

NEPA requirements apply to all actions which may have an impact on the human environment (i. e., those which may result in a change to the physical environment; social and economic impacts alone are not sufficient to trigger NEPA).  Any action meeting the NEPA threshold must be documented in accordance with the procedures established in the MCO 5090.2 and BO 5090.2B, unless the action is exempt from NEPA documentation per MCO P5090.2.  Any command/staff section planning to conduct an action, activity, or project shall complete and submit a NEPA Request for Environmental Impact Review (REIR) through the use of the NEPA PAMS Module to assist in determining the level and detail of NEPA required.  Information on project activities and location shall be provided with an emphasis on providing a clear, concise, and detailed description of the proposed action, the need and purposes (objectives) for the action, and its expected results. Informal consultation with Environmental Planning and Conservation Branch is highly encouraged to best identify the requirements to be addressed in the project description. 

42 U.S.C. 4321 (NEPA)
32 CFR 775 Procedures for Implementing NEPA
40 CFR 1500-1508 Purpose, Policy, & Mandate
MCO 5090.2 Environmental Compliance & Protection Program
BO 5090.2B MCLB Barstow Environmental Planning &  Review

Federal agencies "utilize a systematic, interdisciplinary approach which will ensure the integrated use of the natural and social sciences and the environmental design arts, in planning and in decision making that may have an impact on the human environment."

Federal agencies must "include in every recommendation or report on proposals for legislation and other major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment, a detailed statement by the responsible official on the environmental impacts of the proposed action."  Further, section 102(E) of reference (a) requires that Federal agencies "study, develop, and describe appropriate alternatives to recommended courses of action in any proposal which involves unresolved conflicts concerning alternative uses of available resources."

Plan of Actions and Milestones (POA&M) are created by the command for implementing and completing all mitigation and avoidance measures related to or required by any EA or EIS through the NEPA process.

The NEPA program is audited as part of the Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) tri-annual Environmental Compliance Evaluation (ECE).

If determined an Environmental Assessment (EA) is required and in the preparation of an EA, CEQ regulations require agencies to involve the public to the extent practicable.  Therefore, commands proposing an action will develop an appropriate public involvement strategy.  In determining the extent to which public participation is practicable, consider the following factors:

(1) What individuals and organizations would be interested in or affected by the proposed action.
(2) The magnitude of the environmental considerations associated with the proposed action.
(3) The extent of anticipated public interest.
(4) Methods that would most effectively notify and involve the public.
(5) Any relevant issues of national security or classification.

As soon as practicable after the cognizant command has determined that an Environmental Impact S is required and the proper chain of command has been notified, undertake the following efforts to involve agencies and the public appropriately and to focus the environmental analysis on the significant issues.



Plans and Conservation Branch Chief
(760) 577-6784

NEPA Planner
(760) 577-6836

Natural and Cultural Resource Specialist
(760) 577-6111

EMS Manager
(760) 577-6416